

The world loves acronyms and here is a list that are used by profesionals and male survivors.

  • AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • ART: Anti- retroviral Therapy
  • ASA:  Adult Sex Abuse
  • Bi: Bisexual
  • BPD: Borderline Personality Disorder
  • CJS: Criminal Justice System
  • CSA: Child Sexual Abuse
  • ECP: Emergency Contraceptives
  • GBV: Gender Based Violence
  • HCW: Health Care Worker
  • HIV: Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
  • HP: Higher Power
  • IPV: Intimate Partner Violence
  • IRL: In Real Life
  • KS: Ken Singer
  • LGBT: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual
  • MAP: Men as Partners
  • MB: Masturbation
  • ML: Mike Lew
  • MSM: Men who have sex with men
  • OP: Outpatient
  • PEP: Post Exposure Prophylaxis
  • PRC: Post Rape Care
  • PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • P&M: Porn and Masturbation
  • RTS: Rape Trauma Syndrome
  • SA: Sexual Abuse
  • SGBV: Sexual and Gender Based Violence
  • STD: Sexually Transmitted Disease
  • SV: Sexual Violence
  • T: Therapist
  • Trans: Transsexual

Thanks to all the guys on the “Male Survivor Forum” for their help


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