Help lines

Help Lines

HELP LINES – Please send us an email to add to the list or if numbers change.

1.     Child Line

–         Call: 0800 055 555

–         Website:

–         Hours: 24hour Helpline

2.     SADAG – The South African Depression and Anxiety Group

–         Call: 011 262 6396

–         Website:

–         Hours: 8am-8pm

SADAG Suicide Crisis Line

–         Call: 0800 567 567

–         SMS: 31393

–         Hours: 8am-8pm

SADAG Police and Trauma Line

–          Call: 0800 20 50 26

–         Hours: 8am-8pm

SADAG Social Development Substance Abuse Line

–        Call: 0800 12 13 14

–        SMS: 32312

–         Hours: 24hour Helpline

 3.     Narcotics Anonymous

–         Call: 083 900 69 62 (083 900 MY NA)

–         Website:

–         Hours: 24hour Helpline

 4.     Drugwise

–         Call: 011 728 6668 (Get Hours)

5.     Elim Clinic (Drug Abuse Treatment Centre)

–         Call: 011 975 2951 (Get Hours)

–         Website:

 6.     LifeLine (Trauma Counseling)

–         Website:

–         Call: 0861 322 322  or  

–         Johannesburg Crisis Line  011 728 1347

–          Soweto Crisis Line 011 988 0155 /6

–         Alexandra Crisis Line 011 443 3555

–         Hours: 24hour Helpline

The LifeLine Aids Helpline: 0800 012 322

7.     Central Gauteng Mental Health Society

–         Call: 011 614 9890

–         Website:

8.     FAMSA – The Family and Marriage Association of South Africa

–         Call:  011 788 4784/5   or  011 788 4737 / 4739  

–         National office: 011 975-7106/7

–         Website:

9.      Child Welfare South Africa

–         Report neglect or abuse of a child, Call: 0861 4 24453/ CHILD

–         National: 011 452-4110

–         Website:

10.     Johannesburg Child Welfare Society

–         Call: 011 298-8500

–         Website:

11.      Police Child Protection Units

The SA Police Service’s Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit Special police units investigate violent crimes against children and offer specialised services to child victims of crime. There are units around the country.

–         Emergency number: 10111

–         Crime Stop: 08600 10111

–         Website: FCS Unit

12.     Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust works to prevent rape, offers healing to survivors, and works towards legal reforms that will ensure perpetrators are brought to justice. Services include counselling, court preparation, support groups, important contact numbers. Non-governmental organisation.

Counselling lines:

    • 021 447-9762 (Observatory)
    • 021 633 9229 (Athlone)
    • 021 361 9085 (Khayalitsha)

–         Website:

13.       Speak Out

Rape emergency information, services, advice, links. Non-governmental organisation.

–          Website:


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