Questions & Answers

QUESTION: Is male sexual abuse an act of homosexuality?

Answer: No, this is not the case; Rape and sexual abuse is an act of violence, control and aggression, and not one of sexual gratification. “If you hit someone over the head with a frying pan, you don’t call it cooking.” The confusion is that in most cases, convicted rapists and male sexual abusers describe themselves as being heterosexual, not gay, these criminals also state that it never mattered whether their victims were male or female. Therefore male sexual abuse is not always an act of homosexuality.

QUESTION: Who do I speak to when I am ready to share my story?

Answer: Disclosing your sexual abuse encounter can be an extremely difficult thing to do. Choosing the right person to share your story about what happened to you can really make things easier, allowing you to feel a lot better about yourself and your situation. ick someone that you can trust, someone you know will respect you and stand by your side during your disclosure. This individual should be able to listen and care about what you are feeling. Consider a close friend, teacher or family member to share your story with and you should be on your way to recovery.

QUESTION: I was sexually abused, why do I feel so numb and emotionless?

Answer: Feelings of numbness and a lack of emotion are common experiences many sexual abuse survivors face and this does not mean that the abuse never had an effect on you. Following a sexual abuse, this lack of emotion and numb exterior presents itself as a survival coping mechanism to deal with the trauma you have recently or previously faced. It is used to protect you from hurting until you are ready to allow yourself to open up and feel again. Becoming numb has its purpose but it is an incorrect way in dealing with your pain in the long run.

QUESTION: My husband is acting strangely, are there signs to tel if he was sexually abused?

Answer: There are indeed common signs to look out for when you suspect a loved one may have fallen victim to sexual abuse. The following symptoms below are common to sexual abuse but do not always lead to the discovery of a loved one being sexually harmed and may be linked to something else they are facing. oting changes in your loved one or friend becoming constantly aware and alert, anxious and worried in normal, safe situations may well be a sign of previous sexual abuse. Another cause for concern is their lack of sexual interest or desire. Understanding these signs can help bring to the surface the traumatic event of your loved one, enabling them to handle future problems and aid their recovery process.

“Sexual assault is an act of violence where sex is used as the weapon”


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